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A sustainable healthcare system that aims to optimize administrative processes and clinical operations. It is designed to improve hospital management, lower costs, and increase efficiency.
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PHIC Accredited

Bizbox is one of the few Philhealth accredited Health Information Technology Providers (HITP) in the Philippines that covers 'Philheath Online Verification

of Eligibility' and E-claims submission system of Philhealth. It reduces the processing time, resulting in a faster remittance to the health facility, and saving you from the long process of claiming Philhealth benefits.

HIS Phic
Duplicate Detection

This is a search feature in of the HIS, which allows users to verify multiple entries with similar information. This feature will allow the user to differentiate the entries and will show the details compactly. This can also track the patient's health record according to the user's convenience. It will prompt the user if the entries with exact same details are being registered.

HIS Duplicate
Balance Detection for Patients
with Unsettled Accounts

An alert feature that will notify the user and enable the doctors to check their patients' balances. This helps in keeping records of transactions and helps avoid unsettled balancing. This will monitor the patients' financial records prior to re-admission. This feature focuses on monitoring and notifying unpaid transactions. 

HIS Balance
Flexible Pricing and Discount Schemes

Each hospital has different room classifications namely the ward, semi-private, private, suite, and deluxe. There are also discount schemes like Seniors Citizen, Persons With Disabilities (PWD), Stock, and Employee’s discounts. These schemes are called ‘Socialize Pricing Schemes,’ and each scheme has different set of prices. In Bizbox’s HIS, you can create and design your own pricing and discount schemes, giving you the advantage of having a flexible pricing.

HIS Flexible
Inventory Stock on
Hand Display

Medical centers won't be having inventory problems anymore with the help of this feature. The 'Inventory Stock on Hand Display' will aid the staff in monitoring their medicinal supplies. This enables the staff to monitor the facility’s inventory balance real time

HIS Inventory
Barcode System

HIS’ Barcode System is a useful tool to manage your patients and your inventory at the same time. This system will give identification to patients through codes, allowing the user to retrieve the patient’s profile faster and making transactions easier for the patient and the management. This feature is not limited to patients alone. The codes that will be provided can also be used for items, giving the user an overview of their inventory.

HIS Barcode

Trusted by over 3,000 clients

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Comprehensive solution for your  medical operations

A superior solution for your hospital operations.

System Deployment

Deploy and implement your HIS to your preference; whether it's online or onsite.

End-to-End Solution

Manage patient data, inventory, and financial documents in one complete solution.


An advanced and effective end-to-end software solution to operate your medical facility.

Become a Bizbox partner!

Send us an email so we can schedule a demo with you.

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